The world's greatest minds solving the world's greatest problems.


Operate as a community enterprise that increases the ability to acquire skills, adapt to new situations, and learn from experiences.


A network of businesses to educate the community and represent The People.


Be the nexus of literacy and advancement.

Intelligence Working Together, Inc. (IWT) is a non-profit organization established in 2020. We offer an excellent opportunity for community collaboration that shapes public narratives, educate stakeholder, and promote effective political climate solutions. IWT is committed to providing quality community-based service to children, adults, and all people indiscriminately. 

IWT is a collaborative effort between educational institutions, corporations, and community supporters. We operate as a strategic think tank organization. By pooling our knowledge and resources, we create more effective solutions to the challenges faced by our students and educators.

Through Intelligence Working Together, we have seen success in improving graduation rates, increasing access to technology and resources, and providing mentorship and support for both students and teachers. Our satisfied partners have shared their testimonials of how this program has positively impacted their communities.