A job in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) is almost necessary at this point. With a foundation in the technology field, Black students and young adults have an increased opportunity of becoming healthy contributors to society.
The field of technology is advancing every day. The rate of advancement is beyond what many corporations can endure.
Because of this,
More Black and African American earning a career in the STEM field allows corporations to solve problems faster, develop new ideas, and conduct research for the future. Black students that major STEM fields pursue an array of career paths to work for private businesses, nonprofits, universities, government, and the military.
We will:
• Promote corporate sponsorship for “Blacks Educated in Science and Technology (B.E.S.T.)” while increasing the number of earned certifications in the STEM field.
• Advocate for relief from state and federal restrictions over the use of school district funds to certify Black students in STEM fields prior to leaving high school.
• Advocate for the ability of local boards of education to secure the best possible school district leadership by eliminating unnecessary restrictions.
• Increase the number of Black, African American, and people of African descent working in the STEM fields.